Flemish Government

The Agency for Maritime Services and Coast (MDK) of the Flemish government, ensures among others the safe and smooth navigation to and from the Flemish ports.
On board

Shipping Assistance

The Shipping Assistance Division guides ships from the shore and provides an indispensable service to shipping. The Maritime Rescue and Coordination Centre is the unique reporting point for accidents at sea and is responsible for dealing with them.

More information: 



Under the watchful eye of the stations in Antwerp, Ghent, Vlissingen and Zeebrugge, and the Wandelaar and Steenbank at sea, ships are guided to our ports. If the weather conditions do not allow for a pilot to be brought on board, a switch is made to Remote Piloting (LOA) or heliborne piloting.

More information: www.loodswezen.be


VLOOT is the government's shipping company and deploys 45 vessels every day to provide services (pilotage, sea rescue, police, hydrography, waterway marking, springs) on the North Sea, the Scheldt and other shipping routes. For this wide range of tasks, VLOOT employs no less than 570 people, most of them in a sailing position.

More information: www.welkombijvloot.be